Boy, the contact with the unwashed masses makes me deadly tired. Why is it so large a proportion of the population is fat? And I do mean fat? Not just the 198 I am living with now, but, not, I hope, for long, but an extra century rolling about. How do they get around corners without falling over?
Anyway, I didn't get picked for jury duty. I guess that means I'm good for a while. Maybe Airplane Repo helped. And I got a part of a day off. That's extra good. Back at work now trying to have fun. Getting my calls up to date, reading a bit. I have really been keeping up lately. Becoming effortless. Can't wait for my last year - I think it might be good. And then that big tank of water comes off my head and I get a nice long drink.
Talking to a legislator today was fun. Would I like to be a consultant? Sure, to a publishing firm for megabucks.